Sunday, December 16, 2007

Catching Up

Long time, no blog! I'm so sorry I've fallen so far behind. All that comes with preparing for Christmas has kept us very busy and I've become the queen of unfinished projects (knitting my first sweater, getting caught up on K's scrapbook, organizing music on my new IPOD, and BLOGGING!). We're trying to get everything wrapped up (literally) by Thursday, when we leave for Cleveland and it's been a challenge!

Since we're celebrating Christmas in Cleveland (please have snow this year!), we celebrated an early Christmas with my side of the family in Tampa. On this side, we each draw a name and become that person's "secret santa." My sisters and I usually end up spilling the beans before we exchange gifts, so there isn't much of a secret, but it's still fun. We had dinner together (with our traditional Christmas Crackers and paper hats), then opened our gifts. Katelyn opened her presents before dinner and went crazy for a cleaning cart my parents bought for her. This cart contains a working vaccum, mop, bucket, and broom. I wish they were house would be spotless! She is still playing with it every single day (2 wks. later).

Bryan, Katelyn, and I will exchange gifts on Wednesday at our house, then pack up for Ohio. The great thing about Christmas in Cleveland is we actually several days of Christmas!

We hope you are doing well and I'll try to get blogging more often!

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