Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Updates and Random Stuff

Time is just flying by and I apologize for not writing sooner. Hard to believe it's been 2 weeks since our trip to NYC!

Katelyn and I have been busy doing our thing and I find myself really treasuring our time together and wanting to make the most of it before the baby arrives. I took her to Sea World today and we really had so much fun together. I have to say she was an angel child...absolutely no problems getting in the stroller, leaving an attraction, waiting for a show to start, etc. See if every day could be like this, life would be perfect :-) While we were watching the dolphin show (yes, the same dolphin show we see EVERY time with her hero Marina the dolphin trainer), she reached over and held my hand and leaned against my shoulder. So sweet!! Other than Sea World, we have our weekly routine...Mondays are MOPS days, Tuesdays are errands together, Wednesdays are preschool (expect today, she missed school because there has been a case of Fifth's Disease in her class and I have to be v. careful about my exposure while pregnant as I am not immune), Thursdays are playdates with her best buddy DJ, and Fridays are Library days. It helps the week pass by quickly. I have a friend who has a similiar routine with her 4 yr. old and just had another baby a month ago. She keeps the same routine and the baby comes along, ususally sleeping in her stroller. I'm hoping we can keep it up after my recovery from the c/section.

Katelyn is going through a pirate stage. We hear "ARRRGGHHH!!!" a lot now in this house! She finds books about pirates, pirate-shaped snacks, etc. Bryan also taught her a great joke: What is a pirate's favorite letter?
So, K likes to tell that one! She also likes to dress up like a pirate, but this usually includes high heels, beads, sunglasses, and a magic wand. A very confused pirate!!

She also loves to make up songs. Most of you are familiar with the chicken nugget song, barnes and noble song, and an ode to IKEA. Last weekend, we were driving home from Tampa and heard her making up a new song. Barney sings a song about manners that goes, "Please and Thank you, those are the magic words." Well, she changed the words to "No and time-out, those are not the magic words" and we were cracking up.

And on the baby front, I had another dr. appt. since I wrote. I am now 26 weeks and everything is going well. The baby continues to be VERY active (which I love!! Yes, even when it wakes me at 5:45 am on the weekends) and even kicked the nurse when she placed the heartbeat monitor on my belly. Someone told me if the baby cooperates during the heartbeat check, it's a girl. Well, this one has been a pistol EVERY time!! It will be interesting to see if this baby is a boy. The heartbeat has jumped back up to 147 and I'm measuring right on time. When I vented to my dr. about my extreme boob growth (I've gone up 3 cup sizes in my second trimester and am now a 38F bra, about to get into a 38G!!), she looked at me and said, "Well, you do look top-heavy. You could gain 5 lbs in each boob!" WHAT???!!! I'm pretty sure she was joking about the 10lb gain in the boobs alone, or at least I hope so!! It's so hard to find maternity shirts that fit right, bathing suits that are not obscene, and to top it off...they hurt!! This may be TMI, but they're lumpy, tender, and just so heavy. I'm hoping this will be a good sign and mean I have a sufficient milk supply this time around. Other than the boobs, I've been pretty comfortable and although it's starting to decrease a little, my energy has been good. Hard to believe in a week, I'll be in my third trimester!! Oh, and if anyone has a good heartburn cure, please pass it on!!

That's all for now!!

1 comment:

Lark said...

I chewed on Tums all the time, and Ice cream always helped my heartburn :o)

Did k see Pirates who don't do anything VeggieTales movie? I bet she'd love the pirates in that one! That was a's first movie in the theater and she loved it.