Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pirate Party

Face painting at the pirate party. Getting her face painted is one of K's new favorite activities!

Such a happy girl!

Katelyn's pirate outfit. We found beads in her dress-up box and then tied one of my scarves around her waist.

Brady in his pirate outfit.

On Oct. 18th, Bryan's work hosted a barbeque and "Pirate Party" for all the families. We got into the pirate theme and had Brady and Katelyn dress up. We raided Katelyn's closet for her costume and Brady already had an outfit with pirates on it, so that worked out perfectly. The party was held on a large lake up in Apopka, about 30 min. north of us. There was a playground there and covered pavillions with picnic tables. Katelyn loved the playground and played for hours with the other kids. This was the first year we didn't have to tend to her at all times...she played and we knew where she was. We could see her from the picnic tables and had confidence in her ability to climb the slide, etc. Brady enjoyed being passed from coworker to coworker. All the ladies were eager to hold and spoil him and he was all about it. Each family received tickets where we could enter to win a variety of prizes. The mystery prize was a flat screen tv (no, we didn't win). We did win a cuisine art sandwich maker, which Bryan really wanted and we've put to good use. Did you know you can make omelettes in it? The weather was perfect and we had a blast! We all slept well after this fun day!

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