Thursday, November 12, 2009

Brady's 2nd Trip to Pumpkin Patch

This was Brady last year, at a make-shift Pumpkin Patch the day before Halloween (one of those sleep-deprived, overwhelmed new mom days--oh shoot!! we have no pumpkin patch pictures...get in the car...we need to find a pumpkin patch). I found a church that had literally a handful of decent pumpkins left and the sweet lady there helped me gather them up and stage a photo opportunity. This year, we would get an early start. This year we would find a decent pumpkin patch and have better pictures. And we did :-)

Caught Brady standing on his own...he let go of the pumpkin and stood for a steps, but we're getting there!!

Brady is obsessed with pushing things and he started pushing our friend's wagon through the pumpkin patch. Our friend doesn't look too thrilled about this!!

He got a ride in the wagon and LOVED it!!

Loving playing with the small pumpkins!!

Brady and his buddy Ryan.

Brady and I enjoy a morning out with our Mom's group from church while Katelyn was at school. A mom in our group recommended this pumpkin patch in Oviedo and it was great...BIG improvement from last year :-)

Checking out the big pumpkins.

Trying to get a group pic of all our kids...easier said than done!! And look who is STILL in the wagon...he wasn't about to give that up!

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