Yes, Katelyn is almost 3 and not yet potty trained....but it's not for lack of trying. About 6-7 months ago, she was almost fully trained and it really wasn't too difficult. I took her to Sea World in undies and she did great....until she encountered an automatic flusher. Not only was it very loud and splashy, it was also malfunctioning that day and was flushing continuously, along with all the other toilets. It was loud, messy, and she was terrified. She wouldn't sit on a toilet again for months. Back to square one. But we'd done it once, we could do it again, right??? Well, the fear of public toilets remained and she got very good at holding it for long lengths of time...which led to an awful UTI with a 104.2 fever and much pain. Her pediatrican told me to lay off the potty training and keep her in pull-ups for a while. Okay. Back again to square one. In the meantime, K is showing NO INTEREST in going on the potty and keeps telling me it will hurt if she pees on the potty. So now we have two big obstacles to overcome....automatic flushers and memories of a painful UTI. BUT...she is turning 3 in 3 weeks and as my mom says, "this is getting ridiculous!" So, that's it. No more pull-ups during the day and she is changing her own wet undies if she has an accident. We went out to dinner tonight and she had to pee so badly. She still has meltdowns in the public bathrooms, but today I literally forced her to sit on it, just to try. No luck, but we'll get there again. I'm more determined than ever to have her potty trained by her 3rd birthday. She's getting much better at learning when she needs to go. I'm afraid of another UTI, but she can't be in pull-ups forever (although, she'd like that). So, wish us luck as we continue our journey to being potty-trained!
1 comment:
Look how much she has changed in such a short time! She was adorable then but beautiful now! She is certainly a young lady now and no longer a baby!
We love the blog! Keep up the good work!
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