Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I Can Do It All By Myself!

Oh, yes. Miss Katelyn has given me a run for my money this week. Whoever said 3s are worse than the 2s may be right! In just this last week, she has formed very strong opinions about what she wants to wear (check out her black boots with the cheerleading outfit) and had a fit today when I told her she could not wear her Halloween costume to school. She has also decided pull-ups work just fine for her, no need to wear undies or use the potty ever. On Sunday, she was wearing undies and when she had to pee, she would sit on the potty for 2 seconds, stand up and say, "I tried. Pull-up please." So, new plan of attack is no pull-up please, you'll have to learn please and if that means getting wet and having to sit in it a little while, then you'll have to deal with it please. "No" seems to be her favorite word and time-out has become a second home. I'm hoping this has just been a tough week! Not to say there hasn't been any good sweet Katelyn is still in there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH MY Goodness! Katelyn is learning her own mind and she will come around to being the sweet girl that we all know. It will not hurt if she wears the cowboy boots (where did she get black ones?)with everything. It will pass. I babysat for a little girl that always wanted to wear party dresses when she got up from her nap. Her mom said okay and out the little girl went to play in the neighborhood dressed up in frills. She did not do it for long but look how long I am still talking about it! :) And, yes, she was three!
This might be a case of chose your battles wisely and you will all come out okay.

Have fun and thanks for sharing! Love, Mama Nana