Bryan brought home a bag of goodies from an expo he attended through Katelyn is sporting her safety sunglasses and holding her cow (now named "Kate") and her own cowbell. Yes, it's loud!!
Sunday morning, I decided to make pancakes for breakfast. B was SUPER fussy, suffering from an upper-respiratory infection, fever, and most likely beginning of ear infection. To keep him happy and near me in the kitchen (he didn't want to be separated from me), I tried the classic bowls and spoons and he LOVED playing with them. This occupied him while I cooked and ate! There's a reason moms have been pulling utensils out of their cabinets for decades!!
Just a snapshot of pandemonium. I'm laying on the floor, Brady comes up to kiss me and K is stroking my hair. I'm holding the camera and took this picture by accident.
This Thomas couch has been worth every cent!! We have gotten so much use out of it!! Now Brady has learned how to climb on it and sit like a big boy and feels so proud. At first, if K sat next to him, he screamed on the top of his lungs until she moved. He did not want to share it at all!
Brady playing with a mini-bottle of Southern Comfort. Good parenting!!
K was so, so proud of this craft made in Sunday school of a flower and seeds. She INSISTED on me taking this picture!
The love of baby Einstein continues.......
Go Browns!!! We celebrated the first home game with the local Browns Backers in Winter Park. Bryan came down with a stomach bug or a touch of food poisoning during the game and Brady would not sit in his high chair and was a royal pain and Katelyn hooked up with a little brat who kept trying to get her in trouble...okay, not such a great afternoon. We'll try again.
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