Thursday, March 24, 2011

March = Month of Sickness

In like a lion, out like a lion. March has been brutal to our family. Every time we think we've turned the corner, someone else is's been unreal.
And this is why this is my only post in March.
First, Brady had the flu, which he graciously passed on to Bryan, then to me. We were each down for about 5 days....there's most of the month right there!
Then, to keep her spring tradition, Katelyn came down with strep throat. In my opinion, strep makes kids the most miserable. Between the razor blades in their throat and high fever, they are just so sick.
So, we're at the end of March...gotta be done with sickness, right?
Negative...please enter the dreaded stomach virus. Only this time, BOTH kids got it at the same time! That is a first in this house. Katelyn started vomitting at 1:41 am (yes, I remember the exact time she came running into our room, panic-stricken, yelling "I threw up! I threw up!) and the poor girl was sick about every 20 min. until 4am. Clean up, go to sleep on the couch, and then cries from Brady's room, "I threw up! I threw up!" and he's sitting in it. He had a terrible time, screaming every time he vomitted, terrified of throwing up into the toilet, and he had the record for the day...puking 10 times. My mom (retired pediatric nurse...basically my pediatrician on-call) and the pediatrician had me giving him Gatorade every 10 min. until he could keep it down.
I can't wait for April!!!!

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