Saturday, May 31, 2008

6 1/2 weeks to go!!

The end is near, only a month and a half until the baby's scheduled arrival!! I am currently 31 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy and I'm predicting a 10lb baby at this point. My belly is huge (and we've already discussed my boobs, guess it's a package deal!). I have a dr. appt. on Wednesday, where we'll schedule my c/section. It's so strange to know the date of the birth and have everything so planned, but in a way it's great. Katelyn's due date came and went, so did her date to be induced, and there was sooooo much waiting and not knowing. This time around we're able to schedule Katelyn's care, Bryan's work, visitors, etc. Last time I had no idea what to expect, in terms of labor and delivery (only our childbirth teacher told us to expect contractions to feel like "diarrhea cramps" and I have to say that was the biggest lie ever told!!) and ignorance was bliss. I'm happy to skip the contractions and pushing, but am dreading the actual c-section (for those who have not experienced one: very odd sensation to be awake and completely aware of what's happening while they are cutting. As they pull the baby out, they say to expect to feel some pressure, which means feeling like a grown man is standing on your lower abs. They hold the baby up so you can catch a glimpse, then the baby is taken to a nearby isolette for vitals, etc. Once the baby is checked out and wrapped, they bring the baby over to you, but you can't hold the baby because your arms are pretty weak from all the anesthesia. They do press the baby's cheek against yours, and it's a sweet moment). The actual c/s isn't too bad, but it's the aftermath that's the hard part. Last time, we were in an emergency situation, where everything happened quickly and it was a bit of a blur. Katelyn was whisked off to the nursery for observation (Bryan was able to go with her) and it took about a half hour for the dr. to sew me back up and get me back to my room, where I was monitored closely for an hour to make sure I didn't lose too much blood or have a reaction to all the meds. Bryan was able to come in, but no other visitors and they kept Katelyn in the nursery. Once I was cleared, they finally brought Katelyn to me and I was able to hold her for the first time and nurse her. I know I watch a lot of "Baby Story" and "Birth Story" and "Baby Diaries," etc., but I do miss that moment of the dr. putting the baby directly on my chest and I'm able to hold her/him right away. I hate waiting all that time! That's the worst part to me, well that, and the first trip to the bathroom. This may be just TMI, but the first time standing up (about 3-4 hours after the surgery) is excruicating. You feel like your stomach is torn in half and the amount of blood that gushes out of your body is a bit alarming. It takes a while for the nurses to assist you the bathroom and for you to shuffle back with their help and that walk seems like it's a marathon!! I have nothing to compare this to, this may be how it is for vaginal deliveries as well. I heard these idiot guys on the radio the other day saying women don't have to worry about anything except giving birth, and then men never hear the end of it. I was so aggrivated...if men had to go through pregnancy and birth, do you think we'd EVER hear the end of it????

I didn't mean for this post to be a rant, and honestly, I'm looking so forward to the day this baby comes. I can't wait to know if we have a son or a daughter, can't wait to name him/her, and hold him/her. That day will be here soon!!

1 comment:

melanie said...

Carol! Yea! Its almost time!

And as for the comment the men made...are you kidding me? They get a cold and its the end of the world! Pregnancy? HA!