Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Only 5 Days to go....

...until Baby #2 arrives. Yes, I'm still huge out front, don't know where this baby is finding anymore room to grow. We're still on schedule for our c/section on July 21st and I have my last dr.'s appt. tomorrow (hard to believe!!). I feel like I have been pregnant forever and I've been trying to enjoy this last week, knowing I'll miss these quiet days and feeling the rolling and hiccups from inside. Sleeping has actually been a little better in these last few days, which makes life so much better. It is an uncomfortable time (this may be an understatement, especially in this Florida heat), but it is such a special time. It's funny now because the sight of me is making strangers very nervous. At the dentist yesterday, they were afraid to touch me and pleaded with me not to have birth on the dental chair. A man at a gas station offered to pump my gas and asked me to sit down. Another man let me cut in front of him in line at Publix. Once people hear I don't know the gender, they love to guess. Most say boy. Another thing strangers like to do when they hear my due date and tell me when their birthdays are, or someone they know close to my due date. No one really reaches out to touch my belly (doesn't bother me), they just get a little nervous and have been so sweet to offer to help me with everything.
Since we're losing our guest room to the nursery, we set up the bassinet in our bedroom and kept the guest bed up in the nursery for my parents who will be staying with us for 2 weeks, then Bryan's mom and grandma who will be staying with us a for a week. We have the changing table and closet ready for baby and then we'll set up the crib later.
So, 5 days to go and we'll have another baby!! Can't wait!!

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