Katelyn dressing up before bed time. She also put together a "tap dance" in these high heels. A lovely and dangerous sight our tile floor.
Brady cracking up about something as he sits with Katelyn on the couch before bed.
Sweet moment of little brother and big sis together before bed.
Katelyn pretending to be Dora. She had me address her as "Dora" and marched around the house in the Dora backpack (for the Dora fans out there, sing it..."Backpack, Backpack...").
Ughh...I tried to attack our disaster of a back yard garden, which was overrun with weeds and dead branches, etc. I had Frick and Frack with me (always) and our golden retriever, who kept finding sticks, mulch, and a Terminix stake w/chemicals to chew... It was a gorgeous afternoon, so I thought Katelyn would enjoy being outside and playing in the back yard and Brady would enjoy some fresh air in his exersaucer...and I was wrong. Brady started his whining after 10min. outside and it didn't stop. A constant, annoying whine that just drives you nuts. Katelyn started off being very helpful by picking weeds, then got bored and started wondering off. And the dog was getting into trouble...let's just say I was a bit frustrated and pulled them all back inside after about 20 min. outside. I didn't get much done. Story of my life :-)
Katelyn's school had a fun pajama day on Tuesday. Here's Katelyn with her absolute favorite teacher, Miss Janet. She's been her teacher for 2 yrs. now and they are very close.
Katelyn's best bud DJ outside of school before Pajama Day. K was supposed to be in this picture, but refuse to pose with him...you can see her behind him. We had some major attitude issues before school and I had to pull her aside and give her a talk before taking her into school.
A chilly morning in Florida...had to bundle up the baby :-)
Look who's sitting!! Brady started sitting unassisted a few weeks ago and he gets stronger every day. He seems to enjoy his new trick!
What a big boy!! Right after I took this picture, he tumbled backwards and smacked his head hard on the floor and screamed. I know it won't be the last time he bumps his head...but I felt his pain...poor baby.
Love all the pics!!! I need to tackle our leaf-filled front yard, but I know Captain Whiny-Pants would have NONE of it!
Oh my gosh. We are leading the same life I think.
Watch Brady when he gets able to walk. Grant came in the kitchen the other day pushing Amelia's shopping cart and I heard the 'clip, clop, clip clop' of him in her dress up shoes. Yikes!
Amelia loves to pretend she is someone else and have me call her whatever it is she's pretending at the moment.
Amelia will help clean up the backyard for about 2 seconds then it's off to play. Sometimes it's just not worth the effort, eh?
I have a picture of Amelia sitting up in her baby album and right after taking it she fell back and hit her head. If we don't tell them they'll never know...
Where is Amelia...where could she be? I have nooooo idea...
Also a popular game here.
We miss you guys, but enjoy catching up on the blog.
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