Look who is FINALLY standing (but not happy about it???)!!!
K inherited her dad's OCD gene....here she is arranging the shoes in pairs that were just kicked off into a pile....
Watching the Jonas Brothers live on the Today Show...she loves Nick Jonas!!
Crawling under the exersaucer.
It's that time of year again in Florida, time to stay inside because it's so stinkin' hot outside!! We do our errands/playdates in the morning, when it's a bit cooler, then we stay inside for lunch and naptime and afternoons. Here's what the kids have been doing to keep busy inside:
K and B have actually been playing pretty well together :-) For the most part, K has been very sweet with Brady, but is really after his toys and car. Any opportunity she can find, she races away with it (but after 2x running over Brady's little fingers, the car has been taken away from her).
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