Action shot from our seats at the NBA finals, game 3. Bryan got the tickets through work.
Bryan stands in front of the blue fountain outside the arena before gametime.
Brady's new bathtub...he LOVES bathtime!
We hosted a baby playdate while K was in school, here's Brady with his buddy Brooks and Ella.
Brady and Brooks at our house, playing and having a good time.
K's end of the year performance, I could barely see her from here, she's on the far left, back row.
I love this picture!! Love those baby feet!!
Ugh, I've really been trying to be much better about blogging (one of MANY new year's resolutions), but I dropped the ball these last few weeks. Missing In Action has definitely been the case. We've had some action-packed weeks here in Orlando. Katelyn finished up her last year at mother's morning out (she's been attending for the last 2 years, next year she's on to VPK) and then I enrolled her in a FREE (!) vacation bible school this week (every day 9-12). Rewind to two weeks ago, and sweet Brady got a stomach virus out of nowhere and covered both of us in vomit several times (always a pleasure). Once he recovered, Katelyn ran into our room at 2:40am teling us she's vomitted in her room. So, poor Katelyn was down for the count for 24 hrs. Luckily, she bounced back quickly and Bryan and I were able to attend game 3 of the NBA Finals here in Orlando. It was pretty amazing...the crowd was super-pumped! And the magic won!!
And another reason for the missing in most women, I was totally engrossed with the Twilight series of books. If you haven't read them, I HIGHLY recommend them. There are 4 books and I just couldn't put them down...before bed, naptime, early arrival at school in the parking name it, I was reading.
So, here are some recent pics of the kids, both doing well. Brady just got his 2 front teeth and is still cruising everywhere, really picking up speed. Still not pulling up on furniture or crib, but he hasn't met a power cord he doesn't love.
Katelyn continues to amaze us with her imagination and she is still talking our ears off!
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