I should say entering a DIFFICULT stage of parenthood....
Brady has been mobile for months now, crawling around. Our house is perfect for this stage...we just close all the doors and he can room our living room, kitchen, and dining room easily. No stairs t worry about, etc. Well, he's recently bumped it up a notch to climbing and wanting to walk, while holding your hands. Yes, this is a big step and v. important, but there is no rest for weary around here. He takes so much attention. You can't leave him out of your sight and he just whines and cries for you to hold him up and walk with him. He is still VERY unsteady on his feet, but we're relieved he's even trying. My guess is he will be a late walker (he'll be one on July 21st and is nowhere near taking a step on his own), but he is trying so hard!! Two more teeth have broken through, but he's still in pain with two more almost in. Poor little guy is just changing and growing so quickly. He's still not pulling himself up in his crib or furniture, but while we were at Barnes and Noble at the train table, he pulled himself up real quick to get a train in his hands, so he is capable, just needs the right motivation :-) We are entering the toddler stage, slowly but surely. Our once content baby boy is now non-stop!! This is just the beginning...
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