Sunday, July 5, 2009

In Memory of Michael Jackson....

This was the poster that hung in our bedroom (Ali and I shared a bedroom) for years while we lived in Connecticut. I thought Michael Jackson was just the coolest guy in the world!

I remember getting this tape and loving every song on it. My neighbors had a whole routine to "Beat It" and used brooms as guitars.
And I didn't see the video for "Thriller" until I was in high school and it scared me so much that I slept with the light on that night. I think I was 16!!

Oh talented as he was, he was a very strange man. He barely resembled himself at the end of his life.

I know this is an odd post on this blog...usually it's all about our sweet kiddos, but the shocking news of Michael Jackson's death is on my mind. When I first heard the news (via Facebook), like everyone else, I was totally shocked. No way, it couldn't be....I immediately thought of his "good years" the time of Thriller and Bad, the poster that hung in my room, and my dear friend Andrea who loved him more than anyone I know. I started playing MJ's music on my IPOD for my kids to hear and Katelyn loves his songs and Brady danced for the very first time to "Thriller." TV is running MJ specials and introspectives almost 24/7...he's everywhere! When they announced they were having a public memorial at the Staples Center and the Nokia Theater, I didn't really think they'd fill those venues, but was surprised to see 1.2 million people have already requested tickets. Wow. Michael Jackson for me represents my childhood...the first videos on MTV, awesome songs on the radio, choreographing "routines" to his music...I know there's a dark side to him and some v. serious allegations that don't sit well with me (but seriously, who would ok a sleepover with MJ in his bed???? ). I chose to believe he was innocent and just thought of himself as a boy himself (only with Jesus Juice!). He was so, so comfortable on stage and what a dancer. Who hasn't tried to do the moonwalk? He was such a superstar...probably THE superstar of our generation. I see how people felt when Elvis died. It's just such a loss....but he's in peace now. And he never had any peace here on earth. Thanks Michael for all the wonderful memories and for your music that will live on....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a nice memorial blog, Carol. He was indeed a master of his trade when he was in his prime. It is too bad that such an inspired talent was also such a troubled soul.