Friday, March 7, 2008

Ultrasound :-)

A big sigh of relief....all is well with our baby! We had our 20 wk. ultrasound today at Winnie Palmer Hospital (has to be the most awesome hospital...totally dedicated to pregnant women and babies and is very new). Our baby is now 11oz and 8 in. long and everything looks good (they look at everything...internal brain structure, fingers and toes, kidneys, the cord, heart, spine). The ultrasound took about 20 min and most of that time was spent trying to get the baby to cooperate. We had to get a good look at the 4 chambers of the heart and the baby was curled up, facing away from us. After lots of poking, tapping, and pressure, the baby finally flipped and we could clearly see the 4 chambers. It was very quiet in the room until we got a good view, even got a little tense. What a relief to see everything is okay :-)

1 comment:

Mama to Monkeys said...

I stumbled across your blog today somehow while searching for info about Winnie Palmer....

Congrats on your wiggly little one growing in your belly! A word of caution, though, about Winnie:

Their cesarean rate is published at over 39% and any nurse there will tell you that when you count in preemies and multiples it is well over 50%. Now THAT is scary. You can find the info on

Good luck with your upcoming birth. If you want more information on how to avoid surgery contact me at my blog. I run a cesarean, support, recovery and prevention group here in Orlando.
