Sunday, August 10, 2008

Brady's First Bath

Brady's first sponge bath (his cord hasn't fallen off yet) wasn't exactly a hit. He pretty much screamed through the whole thing, but when it was all said and done, he seemed very relaxed and he just smelled delicious!! Mmmm...that baby lotion is just intoxicating!! His hair curls right up as soon as it gets wet. He is such a sweet baby and continues to eat and sleep well.

Quick update...the antibiotics cleared up the mastitis (thank God!!) and Brady nursing has cleared my milk ducts. I no longer feel like I have stones in my boobs. My friend Alissa recommended a nipple shield to protect my poor cracked and bleeding nipple and it has worked like a charm. I told her the nipple shield has changed my life :-) I'm no longer terrified to have him latch on!! Although, since we've had to supplement with a bottle, he's getting quite used to the bottle and is starting to really prefer it over me. We'll need to keep at it and get him used to me again.

We're working through it all...

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