Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time is flying by....

Oh my goodness....it's been 6 weeks already since Brady was born! He is growing so quickly, I can't stand it. He's outgrown all the little newborn clothes and is more alert these days. He loves to be in his bouncey chair and look around and he also loves to lay on the floor under his baby gym and swat the toys that hang above him. Overall, he's an excellent baby! He does spoil very easily and gets used to being held. After the long weekend at my parents where he was passed around and held much more than at home, we had to re-train him once we got home. He wasn't happy, but re-adjusted. Right now, he sleeps 11pm-4 or 5 am, then back to sleep until 8am. After a feeding (had some issues with nursing last week...he was going through a growth spurt and was eating constantly and I didn't have enough milk to satisfy him. He's doing much better now!), he stays up and plays until his next feeding, around 10:30-11am. Then he takes a v. long nap, waking briefly for a feeding at 3:30. He has another stretch of awake time in the evening, 5pm until bedtime, around 10pm. He used to be so fussy at this time, but he seems to be coming out of that. Yay! We had a pedatirician appt. next week, but my guess is he weighs over 10lbs already. His cheeks and belly are so full and he has little rolls on his upper thigh. The best development since my last blog is his smile!! I'll be holding him and feel him looking at me, when I turn to him I just see this big, goofy smile. He's particularly happy in the mornings and grins away. So sweet!!

Katelyn is also doing well. She is busy at school 2x a week and her behavior has been excellent at school...no time outs at all yet! She's made lots of friends and is the teacher's helper. Today she was "snack helper" which she told me means she passes out napkins to all the kids. A very important job!! We're still dealing with her excess energy...I think we'll be dealing with that for the rest of our lives :-)

Crazy side-note: Casey Anthony's family (little girl Caylee has been missing for months now) lives around the corner from us! I see their car around town and today was even driving next to them down the highway. They are doing a search for Caylee down the road from us. Such a sad story.
We had a wonderful weekend in Tampa and celebrated Michelle's bridal shower at a tea room in St. Pete. We all drank so much tea, I thought we'd float home! Everything was delicious and it was fun to dress up in crazy hats. Michelle got lots of great gifts and my sister Jenny was able to fly in from Denver to join us. Great to see Jenny! Wish she still lived here. Brady was the only boy attending and he slept the whole time in his stroller (except for the very beginning when he was crying and I changed his diaper in the stroller and he decided to spray me, himself, his cute little outfit, and hose down his stroller!).
Have to go make dinner before Brady wakes up from his long nap!

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