Michelle, Mom, Brady, and Ali after B's bath. They stayed with me while Bryan was in Ft. Myers for the weekend celebrating Andy's bachelor party. Ali was kicked out of her house since that's where the party was being held, Michelle's financee was the guest of honor at the bachelor party, and mom came to help us out.
Brother and sister having a snuggle before bed...
Sleeping Brady...
Mom holding Brady. Is there anything cuter than a baby snuggled in a hooded blanket? I wish I had smell-vision so you could just smell the baby lotion and shampoo...mmm...
Brady and Katelyn laying on her bed before story time.
School project...decorate the cut-out to look like you. We dressed it in an Ohio State cheerleading outfit and made pom-poms. Here's K with her twin.
Close-up of our project.
More homework :-) K had practice writing Bb's. This one worksheet took us A LONG time because K was so stubborn about getting it done. We're in trouble if we're already having issues doing hw in preschool....
1 comment:
Poor little twin had to wear that sad cheerleader outfit.... ;o)
Tracing Bs! Homework?! What preschool is she going to? Man, I wish Amelia's school had some of that kind of stuff. K's only in the 3 year old class, right? How many days a week does she go? Amelia's teacher said they aren't going to do any alphabets this year or learn to write their name and they'll only do counting to 10. I was like, well...what does that mean that my daughter already does all these things? She's mastered the 4 year old curriculum?
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